Umbrella Mushrooms also known as Discosoma neglecta, is a species of mushroom that belongs to the family Discosomatidae. It is commonly found in the Indo-Pacific region, where it inhabits shallow waters and coral reefs. The umbrella mushroom coral gets its name from its umbrella-like shape, which is formed by its broad, flat cap and central stalk.
One of the most distinctive features of umbrella mushrooms is its vibrant coloration. The coral can range in color from bright green to purple, blue, pink and even rainbow. This makes it a popular coral choice for reef tank enthusiasts who are looking to add a pop of color to their reef tanks.

In addition to its stunning appearance, Discosoma neglecta is also relatively easy to care for in a reef aquarium. It can tolerate a range of lighting conditions, but does best under low to moderate lighting. It also prefers low to moderate water flow and can benefit from the occasional addition of trace elements and supplements to support its growth.
Umbrella Mushrooms Are Not Like Other Corals
In fact they are not corals at all, corallimorphs such as the umbrella mushroom do not have symbiotic algae living within their tissues. Instead, they rely on feeding directly on plankton and other small organisms that they catch with their tentacles.
One potential challenge with Discosoma neglecta is that it can grow quickly and become invasive if not properly maintained. To prevent this, it is important to regularly monitor and trim the coral as needed.
It’s also important to note that like other mushrooms such as a ricordea, Discosoma neglecta can produce a potent toxin that can be harmful if ingested. Care should be taken when handling these corals, and they should be kept out of reach of children and pets.
In summary, umbrella mushrooms is a beautiful and relatively easy-to-care-for species of mushroom that can add a vibrant pop of color to a reef aquarium. While it can become invasive if not properly maintained, with regular monitoring and trimming, it can thrive and add a stunning visual element to any tank.
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