Mad hatter’s Reef was created by myself (Jeff Hesketh) as a means to share my love of saltwater aquariums and to educate others interested in getting started with the hobby. I have been keeping aquariums since I was a boy and made the jump to saltwater over 12 years ago.

The goal of Mad hatter’s reef is to provide current, useful information about setting up and maintaining saltwater aquariums in both written and an on-demand video format.

Mad hatter’s Reef is committed to delivering the most reliable, accurate saltwater aquarium keeping information possible, for people looking to get started with their own saltwater aquarium. Saltwater fish, Invertebrates and corals we got something for you. We hope that you’ll find all the information that you need and share your success with others.

If you have any questions about saltwater aquariums or would like to see something added to this website email: