Last Fall, I got an email from a fellow YouTuber by the name of coralfish12g, maybe you have heard of him. George asked me if I was able to make it out to AquaShella Chicago, but I was unable to make the trip.
Fast forward 7 months and I find myself sitting on a plane heading to AquaShella Dallas. The plan was to go to Aquashella then leave for Reef-A-Palooza where I had a Booth for Mystery Reef Box.
My Trip Aquashella Video
I didn’t really know what to expect with Aquashella although I heard a few people loved the experienced and said it was like nothing the had ever seen for the aquarium industry.
So when I showed up on the first day I had a plan to show up a little late so I didn’t need to stand in line. I was wrong… When I got there I saw a line with on beginning. So I made my way to the back, but thankfully Rico saved me.
Rico brought me to the front handed me some moonshine (from the reefshineguys) and a pair of coral viewing glasses. I had made it to Aquashella.

Final Thoughts of Aquashella
If you ever get the chance to go to Aquashella I strongly recommend checking it out. It was familiar to most aquarium conventions but with a brand new twist. I absolutly love the strong focus on bringing aquariums and art together.
What I like most about the show is that it brings all “neighboring” aquarium hobbyist together. fresh, salt, reptiles and art smashed into one amazing event. Kinda makes me want to start a freshwater tank again…
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